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Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Room 12 investigated birds in term 3 and here are their findings

First the hoihoi has two greenish white eggs. Next the hoihoi incubates for 43 days. Then the egg hatches. After that the chick gets fluff. Then the chick loses its fluff and gets waterproof feathers. Finally it is an adult.

By Lily Jansen

How do birds fly?
First they stretch their wings and flap up and down. Then it takes off. Birds use their tails and stretch their legs and land. They need to collect food for babies.

By Sacha Fu- Oughton

Why is time so important to birds?

Because they need to know what season it is. They know if it is time to migrate. I like birds because they are colourful.

By Tayla Stewart -Williams

First the penguin laid eggs. The eggs look greenish white. Next they get food and water. After that they get to be a chick. Finally (....) they hatched.

By Henry Seely

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