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Saturday, 13 May 2017

Room 20 creates a scary troll character by using great language features

The Troll
I know a troll under a bridge, the bad bit is I only caught a glimpse when I walked by while he was terrorising some goats. This is what I saw.

His hair was like straw and it smelt disgusting like he hadn’t washed his hair in years! He was so ugly that the birds would die if they saw it. It was a hideous orange colour.

His face was ugly… Wait no!... Hideous! So hideous that the goats wouldn’t have to get eaten by him they would die looking at him! His eyes were red and dry. He had a strange wart as well.

His hands were purple and hairy. His nails were yellow and as sharp as daggers. He moved as slow.. Wait no slower than a snail.

He had clothes like rags. They looked as old as time itself. Boom! Oh no he’s coming!. He’s talking to the bog goat and has pushed him off the bridge.
By Michaela W

Have you met the troll? I have, he has… sharp teeth like daggers. He is so super rude and ugly. His hair is like a huge hairball. His horns are like thorns and needles. Oh no he’s eating birds! Boom! He is gone.
By Kristen

Have you ever met the troll? Well I have and this is what it looks like. His name is Bob and his hair is like a fiery noodle. His face is a purple as a plum and his face is also as ugly as a tree. His eyes are bloodshot eyes. He has stinky armpits that smell like rotten fish. He does disgusting smelly farts. His clothes are stinky, creepy and old. His hands are dirty. He is bad tempered. He is hungry, mad, grumpy and rude.
By Gemma

Do you know the troll? He has a green wart on his face and his hair looks like ragged cloth and his clothes look the same. He probably felt a bit scared with the big goats. He has the hairiest hands ever. He is really grumpy too. When he walks his footsteps Boom!
By Marshall

Once upon a time there were three Billy Goats Gruff. The Billy Goats Gruff wanted to cross the bridge. Under the bridge there was a big and giant troll. The Troll’s hair looked smelly and yellow like spaghetti. His nails are long and disgusting. His shirt is ripped and dirty and his helmet is yucky and has an ugly horn on top.
By Esther.

What does the troll look like? He has long sharp yellow nails. He moves faster than a dinosaur and slower than a cat. His hands feel like fire and his nails are like daggers. His hands are the size of boulders and he has hairy purple hands. His stinky armpits smell like fish that have smelly socks inside. He picks his nose, yuck! He moves like a cockroach. Big Billy Goat Gruff hit him off the bridge, Boom!
By Katana

Do you know a troll? I do and I’ll tell you something about it. So where do start? Well he has caramel hair that doesn’t look like normal hair but looks like noodle hair. He has stinky armpits that smell like rotten fish and a horrible face with a wart on it. His clothes are red with holes in them and I’m pretty sure he feels sad because the goats got away.
By Poppy


  1. I have heard that Room 20 have been practicing developing other characters too. I love the simile, onomatopoeia and descriptive language they have used.
