Animal Cruelty
What is cute, fluffy, and looks cuddly?
They're animals.
Would we want these cute cuddly animals
to be trapped in cages willing to get out, but
their hopes fall every time
one of their friends gets dragged out?
Have we thought about
what we would feel like, if we were in their place?
I know for a fact that we would feel horrible.
There are some animals getting treated cruelly
right at this minute trying hard
to live and fighting with pain
from cold-hearted people.
They are crying out in pain and
they would be screaming
for help if they could talk.
Some people say animals are scary and cruel.
But the most scary and cruel
living things are some people.
When people think about animal cruelty,
they usually think of a dog chained up inside
the cage without any food,
or some dog fighting ring where
pit bulls are raised to viciously attack each other.
The truth is, there are millions of animals
that are being treated awfully by people
who aren’t actually wanting and
planning to do the wrong thing.
One of the most popular question that comes up is,
“Why do humans hurt animals?”
The sad truth is there are no particular reasons.
But here are some of the reasons
why they might be hurting the animals.
- It is to show that they have power
and control over their pets.
- They were abused or abandoned
when they were a kid by their parents or friends.
- They do it for the fun of it and the pleasure.
I don't get what is so fun and pleasing about it.
Instead of treating animals
like they are living creatures with emotions
and feelings just like them,
some people view them like fluffy “things”
that you can throw out and abandon anytime.
There are millions of cats and dogs with no home,
no family, they were abused and abandoned.
So let's be the ones
to help these animals, if we see them.
I know that all of you guys here
treat your pets as a family.
But some people don’t.
So people who love animals like us can make
the tiniest change.
We won’t be able to stop
every single person in the whole wide world
since earth is so big,
but at least we might be making a tiny bit of difference,
have a tiny bit of cruelty taken out of our world.
The only way we can start to solve the problem
is by making the right decision
to stand up for the poor things and
let other people know that it’s
not okay to mistreat
and abuse animals. There are many ways to help
a pet to get out of cruelty’s way.
Albert Einstein said
“The world is a dangerous place,
not because of those who do evil,
but because of those who look on and do nothing.”
So today I hope that you learned
that animal abuse is very bad
(which you would all have known already)
and should never happen to any animal
no matter what they did.
So if you see a poor animal that has been abused,
call someone or take care of it on your own.
Thank you
Urban vs Rural
So what do you think is better living in a rural or urban setting?
I think rural is better, because you have the he
chance to firstly, be able to see all the wildlife
that lives around us and secondly you are able
to wake up to peace and quiet instead of the
noise of traffic or people like you would have
in an urban lifestyle. Finally I also think
rural is better than urban, because you are
able to explore and and be free unlike in some
urban areas.
Now, I do understand that some people like
being just up the road from the shops, because
when you need something you can just nip up the
road to get whatever you need. I must admit that
can be very handy sometimes, but then when you
think about is isn't actually that good, because when
you are close to shops and things, you would be surprised
in how much money that you actually spend on junk.
That also goes the same with the shopping store
or something, because you end up buying so many
clothes and things that before you know it your house
is full of stuff. Also in some urban areas you
can't actually see any stars, because of all the light
pollution, which is where there are too many city lights
and street lights that you can't actually see any natural
I also do understand that people sometimes don't like
rural areas because the internet is sometimes slow or
even because sometimes you get flooding or something.
But really both of those things are good things really,
because they both get you outside doing things and
that is good for your body in many ways many many such as its good
for your health, and ya.
So back to what I was saying. So did you think about
all the traffic noise and all the noise of all the people
in an urban lifestyle? Plus in the same amount of
land area there will be many more vehicles than
in a rural environment and that is bad, very bad,
because all the fumes from each car are polluting
our atmosphere. In addition there's barely any
greenery and ever so often we both know that it's
nice to sit out on the balcony and admire the sunset
go down behind the trees. But no, it's more like watching
the sun go down behind big brown clumps of concrete
and that's if you're lucky. Quite often people can't even
see the sunset behind all the buildings in urban areas.
Also another interesting fact about rural areas is that
when the cows are awake, the fish are awake. I know
weird, right? But anyway doesn't bother me, if anything it
just helps me, because it tells me when to go fishing.
Anyway now have a think about what you like better urban or
rural, and also make sure that you have a big long
think before you go ahead and buy a big, fancy,
expensive new house.
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