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Monday, 12 June 2017

Story time - enjoy the year 5/6 ESOL students' amazing narratives!

The Lighthouse Keeper
The lighthouse keeper was a serious, hard working man. He didn't enjoy the idle conversations and felt uncomfortable in the company of the cheerful, boisterous villagers. The loud roars of laughter that came out of the village inn and drifted all the way to his old gray lighthouse that stood next to the sharp jagged rocks that waves would crash onto them.

“I hate these people!”  He said displeased.
He shut his window and tried to concentrate on forgetting them.  But as he was about to try and write something his window sprang open.

He was about to close it as he heard a loud band that startled him. He jumped up as fast as he could to see what was broken “oh no…” he thought as he saw the broken light of the lighthouse.

Next he heard a “TOO TOO!” he glanced out to see a ship coming toward the sharp jagged rocks! His heart beated faster, his hands were shaking then he started to panic.

The lighthouse keeper grabbed the light, but then he tripped over his bag “!CRASH!” The light fell and broke into a thousand pieces.

“what am I supposed to do now?!”  he cried.
“And all of this is going to happen because of me!”
He looked out of the window  and thought all about the people's lives.

He ran downstairs opened the door and what he saw saved his life. he felt relieved. what he saw through the door were all the people that cheered and annoyed him.  They came into the lighthouse and lightened it up with their lamps.
As the ship saw the lamps it immediately turned away from the land.

(I also really want to use a thesaurus and fix a bit more words) kind regards noa to miss goodall)

Boom!  “Huh, what is that sound and why has the light stopped working?’’ said the lighthouse keeper.  “I better check it out. It is dangerous if a boat comes.”

 So he jogged up the stairs and then saw that he had to do something quick because he just heard a big horn of the ship, and it was even worse, that the ship was coming for the rocks.

He grabbed his toolbox and then he brought it up. He opened the lid and then grabbed the light and tried to put it on the ground. But he failed because he was shivering. His heart was beating fast therefore he was confused what to do first.  So tripped over and then smashed the light into little smithereens.

 There was no time to lose because the ship was getting closer. But suddenly when he went outside he saw hundreds of people holding lanterns. They where there to help protect the boat from crashing. So people spread themselves around the lighthouse and the boat was saved.

“Thank you all for helping me” said the lighthouse keeper. The lighthouse keeper was very thankful.

By Rumi Khan

Boom! ”What was that sound” He ran up the stairs and he saw the light was out. So he thought, “Why did the light go out.” He looked to the left and saw a ship coming towards the jagged rocks and he started panicking. He took the light out, just at that moment he stumbled back and fell over his toolbox,to his dismay he broke the light.

He looked sadly at the villagers and went down to light all the candles. He went down the steep steps and opened the door. He saw all the villagers coming to help him.

Finally the boat turned. Now all of those lives were saved on board of the boat. The lighthouse keeper was really thankful.

By Jaydon Benadie

It was a dark night, the sky covered the ocean and the land with impenetrable darkness. But the huge, old lighthouse gave the sailors light and kept them away from the sharp, jagged rocks.

The lighthouse keeper shut the window. But then all of a sudden all the lights in the light house went out and a gust of wind opened the window again. all the villagers were quiet now.

The lighthouse keeper ran up the stairs to fix the light. Everything inside of it was really dark. And then he saw a ship coming towards the rocks. He thought that he could fix it. CRASH!!! he tripped over and broke the light. He thought, "Oh, my god! all these people are going to be dead because of me!"
But then all the villagers came with the lights in their hands. They helped the lighthouse keeper and replaced the light. Finally the ship was saved. The lighthouse keeper was glad that the villagers came.

By Sergei Kalugin

It was a dark night, you couldn't see an inch far. But the old grey light house made of big stone bricks lit up the night.

Suddenly the light went out and the people stopped cheering.Then he tried to fix the light but he dropped it and it broke.

Fortunately the people helped with lanterns and lit up the land. He was relieved.
”I’m so glad they came to help!”They are really nice people. “

By Migael De Wet

1 comment:

  1. These narratives are full of suspense....I was on the edge of my seat reading them!!!
