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Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Enjoy the articles by our News Crew journalists - a lot of them were already published in our school newsletter

The Readathon Launch – or have our teachers lost the plot?

On Monday, March 5th, I saw Mrs Grech dressed up as a Cat in the Hat, and I thought, “She is crazy!” But then I realised that on Friday we were going to dress up as a book character. It was the first week of our Readathon.

All the children took home reading challenges to earn money for the school. So you bring the challenges home and ask, for example, your mum and dad, “Please, sponsor me!” Then they will give you money for the school, if you do your challenges.

Later that day at assembly all the teachers did a little parade for the students to guess which book character they were. For me it was kind of hard, because I don’t read many books.

All day long I saw the the teachers dressed up as book characters. It was a spectacular day.

By Amanda FitzGerald


On the 3rd of March 2018 all the teacher dressed up as book characters to tell you that WE ARE HAVING A READATHON!!!

I assume that most of you thought the teacher had gone CRAZY, but after a while we figured out that they were book characters...

So how are you going on YOUR Readathon? - I've probably done around 10 challenges, so a good start.

If you didn't know or forgot: the Readathon lasts 4 weeks…

OH and the Readathon is where you get a sheet to bring home with loads of reading challenges and you do the challenges to get sponsors. They give you money that you bring into school after 4 weeks. The school uses the money to buy books for the students.

Phew, that was A LOT of reading - I need water right now.

By Callum Tataurangi

Team Bonding Day                              
                By Amelia Harper

On Thursday, February  22nd, the seniors of Gulf Harbour School had a house day event. But no ordinary event - it was an Amazing Race.

All the seniors students came dressed in their house colours: Green for Tiri, yellow for Kawau, read for Motuora and blue for Motutapu.

The Amazing Race started in the morning, when we learnt about our island. This is what Amanda FitzGerald learnt. Motuora is the smallest island out of Motutapu, Tiri and Motuora.

 I Learnt quite a lot about Tiritiri Matangi. In fact the name itself means tossed by the wind and the Tiri lighthouse has one of the brightest lights.

The senior students had to come up with a new chant for each team eg. Kawau new chant is “Dig deeper team, Kawau dig deeper, team Kawau. Kia kaha, kia kaha! Motutapu chant  is, “5 4 3 2 1 - Motutapu is number one. 5 4 3 2 1 - Motatapu is number one.”  Tiri’s chant is to the beat of “We will rock you” and this is how it goes, “ Tiritiri Matangi!” “ Tiri tossed by the wind”. “ Getting up and now we win. Tiri we’ve got game. Winning is our name. Tiritiri Matangi! Tiritiri Matangi! Then the motuora chant is, “Kiaora we’re Motuora, we are the best, we have good spirits we’ll beat the rest. Kiaora we’re Motuora. we are the best, we have good spirits, we’ll beat the rest.

At the end of the day we had a few challenges. One of them was, when Lisa Williams was tied up, because she had hidden all the team flags and wouldn’t tell us, where they were. So we set of in our house teams to look for our flags. But the thing is we could find other people’s flags and steal them. for extra points you could get your flg and other people's flags.

Another activity was when Tiri had to get Motuora’s team teachers who were hiding around the school. Motuora  had to find Tiri’s team teachers. Motutapu had to find Motuora’s team teachers and Motutapu had to find Motuora’s team teachers. Then we had to bring them back to the courts. Then tie them to one of the many poles. Then make them say our chant out loud a couple of times. In the end we all had a blast.

House Team Bonding Day
By Nicholas Bennett

On Thursday, 22nd of February 2018, Gulf Harbour School had a House Team Day, so all the house teams could bond with each other.

Mrs Taylor organized the terrific event. The whole school took part in the event. First all the senior parts of the house teams went to a classroom and made new chants.

After lunch the Motutapu flag went missing and the thief was tracked down to be Lisa,
who was chained up in ropes. (I would say ‘roped’ up, but I don’t think that's a word ),
Anyway, somebody put a sign above her head saying ‘DO NOT FEED’. Some kids said it might be a setup.

The flag was still missing. So the whole school was called to the netball courts to share their chants. Mrs Taylor told the whole school that the rest of the flags were stolen, just in case the kids didn't believe her at first or they didn't get the message.

Houses would get 100 points if they found their flag and 50 points, if they found a different team’s flag and 150 points if they found Lisa - who had escaped.

 Motutapu got Motuora’s flag and vice versa. Kawau got their own and Tiri got Lisa. In the end all the flags were found.

Chasing after the flags was my favourite part of the day, because it was exciting to find the flags and be part of the team. The day was a great success. We all feel that we can trust one another in our houses after that day.

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