Welcome to "The Treasure Chest"! Enjoy the treasures that our Gulf Harbour School writers have created! We proudly present the fantastic texts that have been produced either en route or as a goal of our learning journeys. Please, leave loads of positive comments and alert the whole family to this platform where our students shine.
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Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Shami, Deon, Nikolai and Ethan recount a great game they played at ESOL
On Monday we
played with water bombs and it was lots of fun. Ethan, Deon, Nikolai, Shami,
Dillon and Mrs Goodall threw water bombs in the shady hard tech area.
First we threw one
balloon. SPLASH! Next we threw two balloons. SPLASH! SPLASH! In the end we threw three balloons. SPLASH
After that we went
back to the ESOL classroom. I felt happy and awesome at the same time as my
On Monday we
played with water bombs and it was lots of fun. Ethan, Deon, Nikolai, Shami,
Dillon and Mrs Goodall threw water bombs in the shady hard tech area.
First we threw one
bomb to the closest friend. Next we were throwing two bombs and last we threw
three bombs.
I shouted, “What a
great game!” I very much enjoyed the game.
On Monday we
played with water bombs and it was lots of fun. Ethan, Nikolai, Shami, Deon,
Dillon and Mrs Goodall threw water bombs in the shady hard tech area.
First we threw one
balloon. SPLASH! Then we threw two balloons. SPLASH SPLASH! Next we threw three
I was excited
because it was lots of fun.
On Monday we
played with water bombs and it was lots of fun. Ethan, Nikolai, Shami, Deon,
Dillon and Mrs Goodall threw water bombs in the shady hard tech area.
First we threw one
balloon. SPLASH! Next we threw two balloons. SPLASH SPLASH! I was afraid that Shami threw the balloon at
me, but luckily that didn’t happen.
I wish I could play
it at home.
Room 25 have also been learning about procedural writing. Check out Teia Viljoen's treasure map and her set of instructions about how to find the buried treasure.
How to find treasure on Powerlost Island
This will help you to find the buried treasure that has been there fore 1,000 years.
What you need:
- map
- ropes
- monkey costumes
- key
- swords
- spade
- Walk through the beach.
- Sneak through the huge city.
- Use the ropes to climb the 2 mountains and ice volcano.
- Put on your monkey costume and sneak through Robber Monkey Jungle.
- Unlock the Chamber of the Goddess Emma.
- Seek love and power from Emma.
- Get directions by the wise/dead skeletons.
- Enter the dark cave.
- With your sword, fight the snake monster.
- Dig up your treasure.
- Well done, you have finished your mission.
Room 25 were learning about the environment and how we could celebrate Earth Hour on the 25th March. Zoe Pickerill celebrated with her family at home, and wrote about how they celebrated it.
For Earth Hour I suggested to my family that we play board games and that we use no power by not using the oven, turn all the lights off and use no devices. By using no power we cooked on the bbq and the chimney and even ate outside on our table for natural light at the back of our house. So after dinner we had smores. What is a smore is, is a biscuit and a marshmallow and yummy melted chocolate all squashed together. After Dad came on the tramp with me, Zeb, Lilah and Caleb so that was amazing Earth Hour.
Ellen Bergland wrote an amazing recount in her ESOL lesson
Adventure In The Horse Riding Place
3 weeks ago my mum dad and I went to a beautiful horse riding place. I had received an invitation from my dad for Christmas.
I got into the car and went to the horse place.There was a girl who helped us to find helmet and boots. I got black shoes and a white helmet. Then I got my beautiful horse. My horse looked like dark chocolate, the mane and tail was like licorice. My mom’s horse looked like a peanut, its mane and tail were the same colour. Next I jumped on my horse.
But there was an angry horse who tried to bite my horse! That was scary so I steered away my horse. Then we started to ride. The horses were REALLY thirsty. So I gave my horse water in a big bucket. We came to a beautiful forest. My mom took a photo of me and my horse.
We rode on a small sunny track that went past the forest. There were pretty hills covered in lush green grass. We came to a paddock! My mom was riding gallop but it was a really weird gallop! It looked like a spider who played hockey! My mom said it was a weird gallop too. I was jumping over branches on the ground. We started to return to the stable. We jumped off our horses and gave them carrots. We took off our helmet and boots. Then we went home again.. :(
Writing is a tool for learning and reflecting. This piece of writing by Joshua Sharples from the Tribe shows this very well.
Me Getting Better At School
Last year, I was off task a lot and didn’t see my learning as important.
I got distracted by the other kids, slowly I started to get behind in my learning, which made me feel horrible.
I felt I had let myself down.
So I thought I have to change.
This year is a new year, and I have a new attitude towards my learning. I know how important learning is, and I am the only one who can make it happen for myself.
I don’t get distracted by my friends as much as I used to, which helps me focus, I’m even starting to overtake people. My teachers and parents are very proud of me, which makes me feel happy. This makes me enjoy learning more, and I am also making new friends cause I’m a happier person.
I used to get distressed with learning. But just take it one step at a time and ask for help when you need it.
Monday, 27 March 2017
The Tribe shows us how a recount can be a sophisticated reflection on a special experience
The Jump
By Kaitlyn Cunningham
It was a wonderful looking day, the sun was beating down on my skin, my body shaking as I stepped through the gate and towards the edge of the wharf.
My heart began to race, and suddenly my head was filled with a thousand thoughts racing around my mind. It felt like the longest few moments of my life.
I all of a sudden I found myself standing on the very edge of the wharf. I had come to a halt. frozen. Heart pumping, breathing rapid.
No way. Was the only thought that entered my head.
One friend of mine was in the water at the bottom waiting for me to jump, and another friend was holding my hand, standing next to me, whispering words of encouragement.
My classmates were cheering me on. They all wanted me to do it, I wanted to do it. My heart began to race faster, so fast I started to feel a little dizzy, pumping so hard I could hear it beating like a drum, bom, bom, bom.
Half an hour passess, and I’m still standing there. Jaz, my friend in the water was starting to shiver, everybody was getting tired, but I didn’t want to give up, I had come this far.
Jaz said she was getting out “no please don’t, I’ll i’ll jump, I’ll jump now!”
“Yes, that’s the attitude” yelled Miss Cassidy “now jump I can Cunningham!” I shot her a dirty look and she laughed.
Miss Cassidy started to count down fro 3….2….1...jump! Sploosh, next thing I know I’m in the water! I did it!
So up the ladder I go for another turn, and another and another.
I truly enjoyed myself that day, I faced my fear and trusted my friends.
By Kaitlyn Cunningham
If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
By Anna Elley
Today I am recounting one of the proudest moments of my life thus far (as I’m sure there will be plenty more to come). This is a story about me, Anna, achieving something I dreamed of achieving. This is also a story about dreams and determination and their ability to get you anywhere.
It was a bright summer's morning, 16th December, year, 2016.
I walked with my little buddy Shian to our schools end of year assembly held at Wentworth Sports Facility. Shian held my hand as I talked to her, keeping her entertaining, but there in the back of my mind was a question...had I done enough to recieve the Year 7 Female Student of the year? It was something I had consciously worked towards, something I had strived for.
Soon we arrived at the assembly, I said goodbye to Shian and took my shoes off. I walked sensibly to where my class was sitting in line. I joined them and looked up at the stands where mum, dad, Arisa and grandpa should be seated. I searched the stands until my head ached from looking up. My eyes turned back to the stage as the assembly began. It was long, and I was restless, nervously wondering when they were going to hand out the senior awards.
I waited.
Then it was finally time. I waited as Year Level, after year level, girl after boy, were handed their certificates. Finally the Year 7 winners were to be announced. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for. I held my breath - who was it going to be…..The woman then announced …”and the top Year 7 girl for 2016...Anna Elley” It’s me! I thought excitedly to myself, its me! I ran to the stage to accept my certificate with the others. I clapped along to the happy beat of my heart. I bowed deeply towards the crowd as their claps thundered towards me.
When I got back to my seat, my friends congratulated me “I knew you would get it Anna!”
Soon after my laces were tied I looked for Shian to walk back to school with, but my mind was still on that moment my name was called, and maybe thinking to doing all again next year.
That day I learned that if you can imagine your dream, and visualise success, know what you have to do to get there by pushing through and most of all having the urge to do it.
You can reach any goal you dream to achieve.
Tuesday, 21 March 2017
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Feel with Mason from room 24 when he shares his fishing experience with us!
There I was sitting on the wharf with my dad. At the time it was breathless until a giant boat came other than that it was good because the water was a royal blue colour plus it smelt like salt water so it had a harsh salty taste to it.
A few minutes later I was feeling baby bites on the rod so it was tingling the rod bit by bit. I felt like I had the power to rule the ocean and I was the fish king so I screeched, “Let me be the fish king!” Then boom!!! I had the enormous fish.
I was reeling it up like I was major wrestler ready to punch anytime. I began to feel tired and miserable I thought I was never going to reel it up. The thing that made feel better is that I could see it then before you could blink it was on shore. It was an octopus not a fish not a crab an octopus. My dad said, “Sorry Mason we can't eat that so we put it back in the water and turned our backs to it.
By Mason Garrett
Room 22 has been exploring how to put an out of this world experience into words ...
Zharn Bolton
I was walking up a
humongous hill. I saw something. I stopped in silence. I did not go up to it. I
was terrified and very curious indeed. It was red and it was dangling down like
a spider on its web. I took a deep breath and went closer.
I touched it. The
lightest push. It swang gently in the air, just dangling. I felt mind-blown and
freaked out. My head was boiling. Was the blood going to my head? I was
shivering constantly. Instantly, I froze, then I went out of being frozen and
fell. I got up but felt unstable. It was a rope. I pulled it. The whole of the
world turned off. I almost fainted.
What a day I’ve
had! I discovered the most amazing thing ever and it dropped straight out of
the sky! Read on to find out more…
It all started
with my usual walk in the forest. I wondered what it was so I walked up the
hill and that was when I saw the rope!
I touched it. The
lightest push. It swang gently in the air, just dangling. I felt really weird
and it made my brain chocked and begin to shut down and then I saw something
gold and red dangling in the sky…
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