Surf Life saving
On the 20th November 2017, Rooms 17 and 18 from Gulf Harbour School,Year 5 and 6 Students went down to Red Beach Surf Life saving club, to learn about water safety and how to save someone in need of help that was what they were going to teach us.
The beginning!
Once everyone had gotten safely to red beach, The three instructors Key, Emma and Nick told us where to go. We all put our bags down and headed inside to start out exciting day. The instructors had told us the rules: no talking when their talking, raise your hand if you have a question everything like that. We played fun games outside, ate our morning tea and learnt some new things to like what a rip is and how to recognize them. Here are some facts I learnt about rips, They are discoloured! The are a darker colour than the regular water colour but i'll be talking about that in more detail later.
Getting to swim!
More importantly, Getting to swim in the sea was the purpose of this day. We were split in half and did two activities Boogie boarding and saving your partner with a floaty. My lovely partner was Lily Stiven, You would switch between saving and drowning throughout our session, And for boogie boarding you had to swim to Mrs Thrush and back on our boogie board while catching waves as well which was really fun!! A few hours back Key,Emma and Nick had told us how we could be sun safe and water safe. They first showed us this cool dance Slip,slop,slap, wrap and slide. Slip on some swimwear , Slop on some sun screen ,Slap on a hat , Rap on some sunnies and Slide under some shade with actions of course.
Water Safety!
Then Water safety If you are either in trouble or something happend to you or someone around you raise your hand so people know you need help, And if you are in trouble never ever start panicking cause that will just make the situation worse than it already was , to stop preventing this always go swimming with someone watching either family, friends or a person on the beach like a lifeguard but they watch you anyway they are here to keep us safe.
How rips are made and how you can recognize one.
Rips are made when a wave is clashed into another wave or it has nowhere else to go besides backwards which leads it out to sea. You can spot rips usually around Rocks or where there is no waves coming forward.
By Muskaan Patel
Gulf Harbour school recently went to Red beach to learn the key points of water safety. The sun was beaming down on room 17 and 18, when they were sitting down on the green meadow of grass, as an instructor invited us into a tall black club house.
The 3 instructors nick, key and emma introduced the classes 10 of the clubs most important rules. Some of the rules were like swim between the flags, if doubt stay out and even be nice to the wildlife and other swimmers around you. The instructors explained how rips are formed, how rips are spotted and what to do when you are in a rip. I personally thought that everyone enjoyed the talk. (even I did)
How are rips formed? How are rips spotted? What should you do when you are in a rip? All kids and adults should know this because you may be encountered by a vicious rip current.
More than 100 kids have died from getting pulled out from rips or dieing because of something to do with a rip, and you could add to that hundred. As I noted above rip currents are very dangerous but, spotting them is tricky. How to spot a rip. Look for foamy and discoloured water. (discoloured water is dark green or dark blue water). Rips are calm places also known as a calm patch so that is how to spot a rip. Remember if you are ever caught in a rip as calm as possible and try stand up.
To conclude, hopefully you now know how to spot a rip, what a rip is and even what to do in a rip like room 17 and 18. Know you can teach this and encourage others to spot rip currents and stay away from them.
Kai Barratt
Red Beach Life Saving
Gulf Harbour School Recently went to red beach life saving club to learn about the water safety and about what you can do,if you are in trouble. Room 17 and 18 went there together and when they got there they all sat down on the grass outside the clubhouse.
When the two classes that were the here they got up to go and meet the lifeguard's inside the clubhouse and there names were Nick Key and Emma.When we sat down nick told us that over 500 people die of skin cancer and 100 people drown and that is just in one year. And he also told us that there were three main instructions were stay in between the flags and watch out for our sea wildlife and the last one was to if doubt stay out.
In the middle of the day after lunch Nick Key and Emma told us how to find a rip in the sea.So first the sea will start to go darker that befor and I say if you see that I suggest you stay away from it. Nick Key and Emma also told us that last year he saw two people getting sucked out by a rip After that he called in a lifeguard to go out rescuer them and when she went in the water she was able to stand and she said hey guys and they stood up so remember next time you are sucked out by a rip check if you can stand up.
Near the end of the day Nick Key and Emma told us how to bodyboard and how to even save a person if they put there hand up for help. After that Gulf Harbour School was able to have free time and then it was time for us to go back to school to go to home.
To conclude I think that if Gulf Harbour School had fun anyone or other schools who went there they would have fun too!
By Cobi
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