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Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Room 17 celebrated Matariki by departing on a poetic journey - well done!

Celebration and Remembrance

With whanau we celebrate
In Aotearoa haere mai
We forgive
That's Matariki

We are grateful
For blessings we receive
Its tradition
To assemble
Seven Sisters
Cluster of stars
Aroha we give
And have

Feel forgiveness
Taste the roasting
That everyone
Has developed with love

Hear the words
Flow out
Stars shining
Rising above

We know by heart
Loved ones
Who were toa

Even though
You're not here
We’ll honour

By Amaia Martinez


I was little,
afraid of nothing,
I was dazzled,
by the moon.

A cluster,
of luminous stars,
Mirrored, on the ceiling,
of my room.

I connected lines,
to link their bodies,
created constellations,
different than any other.

I discovered,
a universe,
not lifting my head,
not opening my eyes.

I creep outside,
to sneak a peak,
traumatized finding,
these stars remained,the same.

I discovered these stars,
had a title.
was their name.

By Georgie

1 comment:

  1. Hi Georgie & Amaia. Nice poems girls. You're both trying to capture what makes the festival unique. I like the lines, 'I discovered these stars had a title & hear the words flow out'. Nice poetry. Keep up the writing. Mr W
