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Wednesday 24 November 2021

Celebrate Desmond's piece about kereru with us. What an outstanding year 2 writer. Wow!

The kereru has blood red claws, lovely whipping wings that beat across the sky, a beautiful magenta beak that pecks the ground.

Oh, the scarlet eyes that twitch around. Many colours cloak him with so much feathers.

Kereru are amazing.

Some other birds came to join me and some emerald green leaves surrounded us. The sunset set in the distance.

Oh, the ruby red flowers that settled on the ground below us.

Some squirrels stuttered down below our feet.

My friend flew away.

By Desmond

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Enjoy these colour poems by room 18


Blue is sad




Hiding behind things

And depressed

Blue is lonely


And hurt

Big yawns

No friends

Walking around looking for things to do 

Walking slowly

By Aston


Purple is excited

I can jump around and make a mess

Be optimistic and curious

I’m proud of the things I do

Can’t wait to go to my favourite place

So joyful

An impatient case

My arms wobble around and my feet bounce and start to race

By Jemma


When you are happy

Your cheerful


Happy is amazing

By Hudson


Green is happy







Optimistic and confident

By Elijah


Green is happy








Smiley face


Warm heart

By Filip


Blue is sad





By Kaeden








By Nicole


Red is mad




Destroying everything in your path

By Musa


Green is happy

It is good feeling

It feels nice


Hugs from mum and dad

By Emma








By Indie


Green is happy






Heart warm

Face smiles

By Noah


Green is happy

Happy makes me calmer and calmer

By Oscar

Sunday 7 November 2021

The Red Bubble students are talented writers - check out their scary Halloween stories ... if you dare!!

 Don’t Trust Your Grandmother

As I walked into my grandmother’s huge garden, I could hear trees rustling in the whispering wind. As it started to get dark in the garden, the bats started to come out. I got goosebumps halfway there, because I’m afraid of the dark. 

When I got there, there was a note. The note said, “RUN, GO, HE IS COMING!!!”

I got worried. I was starting to get dizzy. Then I fainted.

When I woke up I was in my tent. I wondered how I got to my tent. I said to myself, “I won’t go home in the dark, because I might lose my way.” 

Suddenly I heard rustling in the bushes and I was scared. So I decided to stay in my tent. Just as I was about to go to sleep, I saw lights peeking through the branches of the trees that illuminated a pathway in between the trees. 

Then I stopped and thought for a second. I wondered if that path was leading home. So I followed the light. It was dark, but I faced my fears. When suddenly out came a man in a mask. I was frozen with fear. I said to the man, “What are you doing here in my grandmother’s garden?”

“I came here to tell you something”, said the man. “You are not safe in the garden. Your grandmother is a killer.” 

Then I peeked into the window and saw my grandmother with a dead body. Now the man snatched my hand and pulled me towards his house, where I was safe.

By Lily

The Abandoned Castle and The Ghost Friend

I was at home, when suddenly my phone rang. A strange voice said, “Come to the abandoned castle! I need your help.” Then the call ended. 

So I got my ghost suit and went to the castle. When I walked towards the abandoned castle, fog was all around it. It was hard for me to see what was in front of me. I could hear the wind howling between the trees like a hungry wolf calling for food. 

I felt so scared that goosebumps came out of my skin. I went inside the castle, but I stepped on a platform and fell under the ground. There were cobwebs and bats hanging from the ceiling. 

Then I walked towards a shiny, green light and saw a kind, slimy ghost. When it was dark, the ghost said, “I called you to help me get out of this trap.”  He told me to touch a trigger and a door opened that led outside of the castle.

We became friends after our adventure.

By Andrei

The Mysterious Castle

My name is Tyson and I was a ghost buster. When I was ten, I got a phone call and the person said, “If you take this gear and get me some of my stuff back from the castle, I'll let you have some diamonds.”

I was walking towards the castle, when it was morning. Then I saw a person standing behind a window, he wore a hockey mask. He was tall and he held a chainsaw. I ran back to the house and geared up and I headed back to the castle. I went inside and I brought a wrench and a gun. I sneaked and I saw a key. I stole the key and I saw a lock. I opened it and there were bricks of gold and diamonds. I got all of them. The mysterious man came up the stairs and I jumped out of the window. I ran back to the house.

By Tyson

Scary Story

I walked  down the stairs with my camera and the doors closed behind me. I was following up on a lead for an amazing story.

Suddenly I smelt a trollish smell. I kept walking and I almost walked into a big spider. I saw a stone statue and fire burning the statue so I recorded all of it. A snake almost bit me, so I ran. Then the ground started to shake, so I stopped and so did the ground. 

My heart was pounding and my head was cold and my legs were hot. My head felt like I  was eating ice cream.

Suddenly I walked into a huge room with a tall ceiling and loads of gold and a big dragon on all  of the gold. I needed to record this but at the same time I needed to get out of there. So I recorded it and tiptoed out so the dragon didn't wake up. But a giant worm popped out of the ground. I  shouted, ‘help’ to the camera but the worm ate me. 

                                               THE END

By Carlos

The Mysterious Game 

Justin was playing a video game in his room. He was a really sporty boy, but he loved video games. When his mum gave him the game the night before, she said, “Don’t play this game at night! It’s a very scary game.”

Suddenly the game started glitching and Justin saw a huge hand reaching out from the screen. The creepy hand grabbed him and pulled him into the video game.

There was no sign of people, but just slimes and sharp sticks on the floor. Thirty seconds later his friend Blake joined. 

Justin shouted, “What are you doing here, Blake?” Blake answered, “I got this new game and this huge hand grabbed me.” “Wow!” said Justin, “that’s exactly what happened to me!!” “So let’s start the game”, said Blake. So they went left, up, right, but just couldn’t find the exit.

Blake remembered that his year 3 teacher had said, “If you can’t find it, take a step back!” So they took a step back and saw an exit. The exit was clear, so they ran to the exit, but suddenly they got pushed by a reaper with 100 health. Justin and Blake were terrified and they ran for their lives. Blake used his creativity and made a cannon that did 50 damage. Justin was smart and made a bow and arrow that did 100 damage and finally they beat the boss. Blake and Justin highfived and shouted, “Yeah!”, as they walked through the exit and went back.

By Jano

Thank you to Mrs Bunting for sharing this lovely moment in time piece by Pixie!


Wednesday 22 September 2021

Amazing work, Hazel! Learn about saturn with this outstanding report by Hazel, a room 15 writer


In case you wonder what pet to buy - a cat or a dog - here are more reports by year 4 ESOL students that might be helpful:

 Do you need help picking a pet?

My report will help you  choose the right pet

for you. Kitties are fluffy little animals, playful little balls. 

Puppies are so cute and furry, but when they grow up, they are hard to look after.


Dogs  need registration , leads, more food than a cat,collars and toys. Cats need not much food, litter boxes and  a bell on their collar.

So what pet should you pick, which one is more expensive?


If you  want a dog you need to think about  which one needs more work. If you are a busy  person, a dog is not for you.        

Let’s think about Dogs If you have a fluffy dog you really need to brush and comb them. You have to wash them, They're not  cats for they can  be very fluffy AND dirty. You also have to walk them(well pick up poop), feed them and play with them. Now let’s talk  about cats. Cats are much easier to look after. You don’t need to walk them, wash them or pick up poop. But you have to clean their litter box  and maybe play with them. Oh yeah! Please, feed them.

Give them a healthy amount of food.


So now you understand which one is more expensive and harder to look after.


If you are a busy person a cat is for you, if you want a loyal friend then a dog is for you.dogs are very playful

And cute. Cats are cute too, cuddly and playful(sometimes). A cat can sleep 20 hours a day  so if you leave your house for a long time a cat is a perfect pet for you.


I think  you should  get a cat because cats cost less than dogs, they need less work and less company.


By Vika


Have you thought about what animal you are going to buy, a cat or a dog? 

Dogs are playful and also adorable and a good family pet.  Cats can be very cute and playful and adorable and cuddly. My report will help you to choose what is the better pet for you.


How much do dogs and cats cost?  If you buy a dog you will have to register them.

The initial adoption fee for cats and kittens is often less than that of dogs. Cat food, cat toys and other cat supplies are also generally cheaper. Cats need a lot of toys to keep them busy.

They are less expensive.


Did you know that cats and dogs are a lot of hard work? Dogs and cats  have to eat about 2 times a day . Sometimes they want to eat in  the morning, afternoon and evening.

Cats clean themselves, so you will rarely have to bathe them. Cats don’t need to be taken outside in the middle of the night as they have a litter box. Cats can be left alone longer than dogs as they don't need to go outside. Cats make great pets for people that work all day or that live in an apartment. Dogs can be trouble sometimes in your home.


Cats are fun to play with and very cuddly and fluffy. They are  good company, very funny and adorable. Cats are wonderful pets and will love you forever. Dogs are very good company they love to play with you. Dogs will always protect you when you are  ln trouble. Dogs will be your friend forever.


I think  if you work a lot I will suggest that  you buy a cat for yourself. I think if you don't work a lot you can buy a dog for yourself. 


By Ashleigh



I think that cats are the cheaper pets, because dogs cost way more money than cats. Dogs need registrations, but cats don’t need one.


If you don’t stay home that often, you should buy a cat. It is fine, if you go. But if you buy a dog, your dog will howl a lot and your neighbours will complain about it.


Also you don’t need to clean your cat, but you have to clean its litter box and play with it. All in all dogs are way more work than cats. You have to walk them and pick up their poop. When they are dirty, you have to clean them.


But dogs are super good company. They play with you and look after you, when you are sad. When cats are getting older, they like to sleep more often. Sometimes your cat chooses if it wants to come and play with you or not.


My opinion is that looking after a cat is way easier than looking after a dog.


By Cherry


Have you ever wanted a cat or a dog? Well  In this text you will find out if you want a cat or a dog. Cats are like little bodys of fuzzballs. But dogs are really cute and good company if you're alone.


Now I will tell you what to buy for a cat. You will need a litter box, some toys, food and a bed.   A dog owner has to buy water, food, a bed and dog registration. Registrations for dogs 

are really important and expensive.


We need to walk a dog with a pooper scooper to pick up the poop. We need to take out a puppy several times in the night, so they can have a pee. When they are excited, they want to play. Both cats and dogs need to be fed. Some cats poop outside, but some cats have a litter box that needs to be cleaned. You need to play with your cat.


Dogs are really good company, because they really want to play with you. It feels like they never stop. Cats mostly sleep a lot, so you won’t be able to play with them when they sleep. 


I think a cat is better because a cat owner does not have to pay a registration fee and they are really expensive. 


By Dandre






Wow, Zane's report on orcas is amazing. What a champion year 1 writer!


Check out room 16 hard at work during their web meeting ... ;)

 I love this screenshot of you guys - you certainly seem to have a lot of fun!

Thursday 16 September 2021

Room 16a rocks: Thank you for your hard work at home! There is so much learning happening - Wow!

Awesome work, Toby! I love your Maori nursing rhyme - well done. 


My Planet Report by Zachary





Did you know that Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Also Jupiter has 79 moons - Earth only has one!  In this report I looked at facts on Jupiter, this includes similarities and differences to Earth, what it looks like and how it got its name. 


My name is Zachary and this is my report on Jupiter. 



The planet Jupiter is a gas giant. It is made out of helium and hydrogen, the other gas giants are Satun, Uranus and Neptune. Guess what! The planet Jupiter has red, blue, brown and white coloured bands from its gas. Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun. The radius of Jupiter is 69.911 kilometers; this is the distance from the  middle of Jupiter to it’s outside.      


Exploration and Discovery

Jupiter was named after the Roman god of thunder. Space probes have visited Jupiter; the first space probe was Pioneer 10 in 1973. `Because Jupiter is so bright it has been seen for years and was not discovered by anyone, However it was first seen by telescope in 1610 by Galileo.    



Similarities and differences to Earth

Jupiter is 11 times bigger than Earth. Which means if Earth was a ping pong ball Jupiter would be like a  beach ball. Jupiter isn’t solid because of its gas and Earth is solid. Did you know Jupiter has rings and Earth doesn't. These rings are made of ice, rock and dust. Like Earth Jupiter has storms but they are much stronger than Earths. Because the winds blow at 360 km/h,like a Formula 1 car going around a race track. In pictures there is a big blue spot on Jupiter, this is the magnetic fields they are 11 x stronger than Earths.         



Conclusion; I felt excited to learn about Jupiter. Because I found  interesting facts on the gas giant  Jupiter. So I have completed my report and I hope you learned something new. Here are some pictures for you to look at.

Outstanding, Zachary!!

Monday 13 September 2021

Look at the work our dinosaur experts have been doing. Paleontologists in the making ...

Thank you, Mrs Ayers, for sending in these fantastic pieces of work: Dinosaur reports and a volcano. 

Samuel and Gabriel have written informative pieces and illustrated them beautifully:

Laith has written this amazing report about diplodocus - Nice work, Laith!

Wihan was inspired to write a fantastic story about a paleontologist. Fantastic, Wihan!! I LOVE your title.

The year 1 and 2 ESOL students have worked on their dinosaur studies - and man they are very impressive dinosaur experts. Mrs Goodall learned a lot!

However, we have also had some fun dreaming up our favourite dinosaur pet or going on a dinosaur hunt.

By Grace, room 13

By Grace, room 13

By Levi, room 3

 By Jona, room 3