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Wednesday 7 November 2018

August Articles by the News Crew

Jacob and Brendan at work in the news room

Amelia working on her article

Striving For Resilience

I saw the blue resilience house points in Mrs Taylor’s hand and I wanted one of those desperately. You might want to know what I am talking about! On Friday, June 8th, Mrs Crosbie and Mrs Taylor introduced us to a blue resilience house point, which was worth five house points. Mrs Taylor presented it to us, as if she was a model on a catwalk around court with her best modelling skills.

Mrs Crosbie told the whole school that we had to work hard to get them. That even means you could try your best to solve a math problem, or even try and ignore your friends on the mat. You have to put the blue resilience points in the box in the office.

A few weeks later my class had to practise for the cross country race. At first I paced myself, going quite slowly down the hill and coming fast up the hill. Then after a few laps, I felt very puffed and tired. My back started hurting and my legs wobbled weakly. I felt lightheaded and just wanted to give up.

“The top of the hill is safe”, I said to myself, pretending that I was running away from a ferocious tiger, closing in on me. Only my thoughts helped me to finish my training run. “If I keep on going, I will make my body ready for the race”, was another thought I had.

The teacher sent us back to class and we read books. When Mrs Lamason came back out the office, she had a bag of the resilience house points.  I didn’t expect to get one of these points. All the students had worked very hard and I didn’t think that my effort had been standing out. Can you imagine my surprise and joy, when Mrs Lamason gave one of these points to me?

The teachers still give out house points, so there is a good chance to gain one of those special blue points.

By Alisa

Before School Care

Before School Care is a place, where parents can drop off their kids between the time of 6:45 and 8:15, so they are not late for their job. For the last four years I have been at Before School Care and I really enjoy the experience.

Before School Care is a fun filled time, because you can watch movies, play with toys and play with friends. The children are looked after by the incredibly kind and caring Sue, Jamie and Haley.

When I walk through the door in the morning, I am greeted by the lovely Sue and all the happy children playing with their friends.

If your children come in very early, they can even get breakfast. There is toast, cereals and milk for all the hungry children that come in.

There is a big group of us that plays hide and seek in the morning. That’s why time flashes by, as we have too much fun. When the  8:30 bell goes, all the students get released to their classes.

Dear parents, if  you drop your child off in room 8 and 9, you have to sign them in. If they are year 6 they can sign themself in and their younger siblings.

By Brendon Gray

Gulf Harbour School Club Scene

At Gulf Harbour School there are quite a lot of clubs like the Crochet Club, the Pokemon Club, the Science Club and the Animal Saviour Club, not to forget the Dance and Gym Club.
As you can probably tell there is a big variety to choose from and they are free. Some clubs are a certain age group, but some are for everyone like the Crochet Club.

All you need to join the Crochet club is the hook and wool of your choice. Mrs Grech is the leader of the Crochet Club. She has some faithful followers that enjoy the relaxing work with wool and the colourful results, too.

The Animal Saviour Club is a group of year 5 and 6 students who try to make a difference in this school. They pick up rubbish and have a keen eye on our environment, so it is a good place for people and animals to live in. - Kapai! As Mrs Littlewood would say.

At Gulf Harbour School we have not one but two Dance Clubs happening. The year 1s and 2s as well as the year 3s and 4s have their own club. Boys and girls are enjoying modern and hip hop dance and if you want more lyrical - they will do that, too.

Our Science Club is led by a teacher named Mr Widdowson. There are new experiments each week and they can be enjoyed by students from all year levels. If you know Mr Widdowson, you also know that he will pride himself on finding suitable, crazy experiments that surprise and delight.

The Pokemon Club is super popular, as there are many Pokemon fans at our school. You can battle and trade - just make sure you don’t bring any fakes!

Many of the clubs I have mentioned are run by students, which is really cool. Our school is a place, where children can become leaders and look after other children.

So now it is up to you - which club will you choose?

By Amelia


HEY! YOU! THE ONE READING THIS ARTICLE! Have you forgotten the school rules or even worse… VALUES!!! Well if you do… This is the article for you! Cross your legs… Close your eyes…

One of our school values is respect. So start imagining that you are in your class, the teacher is talking. Suddenly your friend is tapping your shoulder. What do you do? You turn around and do your SHHHHHHHHHHH signal (put your index finger on your mouth whilst saying it).

Another one of our IMPORTANT values is kindness. You are in a playground, someone trips over. What do you do? Well, help them of course! Comfort them or bring them to the sick bay. Although if they want to be left alone of not want to go to the sick bay, then respect them and listen to what they say.

The third value is resilience. So imagine, you are on a stage and you are nervous. What do you do? YOU JUST DO IT!!!!! Try your best! Resilience is about working through challenges. When I ran the cross country, I didn’t care what place I came, as long as I finished it.

Last but not least let’s talk about responsibility. You are in class, you have a ruler and a pencil, but you need a red pen. Your friend lends you one, what do you do? Do you take care of it, or mess around with it? TAKE CARE OF IT OF COURSE!!!!

So… Have you locked all those in your head? That's good! Now REMEMBER THEM!

By Callum Tataurangi